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I can help you lead your organization to a stronger financial footing.

When I started my career in the non-profit space, I had a vague interest in leadership, but a specific fear of fundraising. I knew it was one of the most important skills I would need to succeed, but it seemed intimidating and mysterious.

Now in my second Executive Director role, I now know that anyone can be a fundraiser, and fundraising can be one of the most rewarding parts of your job.

I’m especially passionate about:

  • Giving Days (I’m proud that my last org was #1 in the state of NH during NH Gives 2019 and 2020 – out of 590 organizations)
  • Communications and marketing strategies
  • Short term steps for today that will sow the seeds of major giving tomorrow
  • Effective story telling (of your org’s needs, successes, & struggles) as a tool for donor development
  • Donor recognition and engagement
  • Grant writing (and when to skip grant writing)

Below are a few examples of opportunities I’ve had to share ideas and expertise.

Workshop Presenter

– American Camp Association New England Camp ConferenceMarketing and Communications (2020), Staff Retention (2023)
– UMCRM Camp Leaders Conference – Staff Retention (2023)
– Outdoor Ministry Connection Great Gathering – Organizational Growth, Marketing, and Fundraising (2019)
– American Camp Association Tri-State Camp Conference – Camp Administration (Panelist, 2020)
New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits – NH Gives Strategy Sessions (Panelist, 2020 & 2021)